Me and my!
Living with me has not been easy. Some of my pictures are made euphoric and I have periods where I am not nice to be near.
During my search in old archives, I came across a diary note that I wrote during a 3 month hospitalization at Epilepsy Hospital in 2006. The note very nicely explains a state of mind that is not foreign to me. Fortunately, it is not a permanent condition.
From my Diary in Filadelfia 2006
From my Diary 2006-07-19 at the Filadelfia epilepsy clinic
The project
The project is based on the following:
In early May, I had another revelation experience that again lasted most of a weekend. It was the artist, Henrik Saar, who was born in a spiritual sense.
God showed me clearly that now the door was open for the ARTIST HENRIK SAAR, I just had to work, then the road would quietly show itself in ever clearer signs. In this connection, I asked my family for understanding and support for the project. I asked to have a year of intensive work. Thus, the plan is to be ready in May 2007 with a usable material. So what is a useful material! - It is a professionally executed sales material - a catalog that I then send to the best galleries and art magazines in the world. A NO IS NOT A NO - if it is not true, and the images I make now with God's help are good, and therefore can not be rejected. They may be denied access, but that is something else. My intense prayer is to make images worthy of God - And so far so good!