additive color mixing

Alchemic oil painting

The process of alchemic painting is a magic feeling

This technique demands a lot of patience, and each painting may take a month or more to complete. It's a lot of processes.

Building up a texture with white painting mixed with grated schalk.

The first layers i pure primary and secondary colors.

Second layers of colors: Complementary mixing in transparency.

Then I lost patience, and overpainted the picture with one layer of opaque paint. It felt like a defeat, however this painting, "The gift," won the Gold medal at the Medusa Aurera contest at the International Accademy of Arts in Rome - Best figurative painter 2018 - 2019.

I ended up creating another painting, "Angel Station," by using the same figure, and worked it as I would have done in the previous painting, "The Gift." Though the background is painted normally. This painting won the Gold Medal in the contest " Apollo Dionisaico" at the Accademy for Arts, Poetry and Signification in Rome 2020.

My palette

That's my permanent palette for all my paintings:

Used colors: Ultramarine + Alizarin crimson + Indian yellow

Each painting is made by mixing these colors additively in transparent layers, upon a textural ground of white painting mixed with grated chalk. Using soft brushes, and a scalpel.

Catalog - See info about each picture in the scroll show below

Scroll show:

The Wizard - Oil on canvas 60 x 70 cm.

"ALIVE" - Oil on canvas 60 x 70 cm. 2021

"Grateful after all - OMG!" - Oil on canvas 60 x 70 cm. 2021

"Flight lessons" - Oil on canvas 60 x 70 cm. 2021 

There is something about every thing - Oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm.

Miss U Oil on canvas 70 x 60 cm. 2017

Miss U2 - Oil on canvas 70 x 60 cm. 2017.

I love it - Oil on canvas 70 x 60 cm.

Circles - Oil on canvas 70 x 80 cm. 2015.

Learning to fly Acrylic and - Oil on canvas 120 x 85 cm. 2015. Not available.

Rose thorns - Acrylic and oil on canvas 120 x 85 cm. 2015 -  Not available.

Times of ups and downs - Oil on canvas 75 x 121 cm. 2015.

Behind the curtains - Oil on canvas 75 x 121 cm. 2015.

I would love to hold you in my arms - Oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm. 2008.

I would love to show you my room - Oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm. 2009.

Running - Oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm. 2016. Not available.

Time out - Oil on canvas 80 x 65 cm. 2017.

A pottet plant - Oil on canvas 60 x 50 cm. 2006 - Not available

The red chair - Oil on canvas 60 x 50 cm. 2006 - Not available

Old Sonja at the Filadelfia epilepsy hospital - Oil on canvas 60 x 50 cm. 2006.

Room 14 at the Filadelfia epilepsy hospital - Oil on canvas 50 x 40 cm. 2006 - Not available.

In my room - Oil on plywood 31 x 25 cm. 2016.

Chat room - Oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm. 2008

My metier - Oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm. 2008.

Prisoners chorous Oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm. 2007 - Not available

Paso doble - Oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm. 2007.

Beyond multiculturalism  - Oil on canvas 80 x 100 cm. 2008 - Not available.

Between two lights - Oil on canvas 2009 100 x 80 cm.

Blue ball, yellow light and red flag Oil on canvas 60 x 73 cm. 2011 - Not available.

The golden egg Oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm. 2007 - Not available.

On the fertilize clinic - Oil on canvas 80x100 cm. 2007.

Liliana shine Oil on canvas 73 x 60 cm. 2009 - Not available.

Mona Lisa Fatal Oil on canvas 73 x 60 cm. 2009.

Halabja - Oil on canvas 120 x 150 cm. 2008.

Getting older - Oil on canvas 65 x 81 cm. 2007 Not available

A pregnant woman - Oil on canvas 35x27 cm. Not available

The creation of man - Oil on shipboard 73 x 60 cm. 2006.

My guiding angel - Oil on plywood 100 x 100 cm. 2010.

Worries - Acrylic and oil on plywood 25 x 31 cm. 2017.

Use the links below to navigate on this site:

My concept: Transformationism

            A dynamic overview! ***

1989 - A leap into a unpredictable life as a visual artist

Inspired by a fascination with the American satire magazine MAD's illustrator Don Martin's drawings and the Danish Caricature artist Roal Als. Seven years of work at my father's architect's studio, studies of right-wing extremism during world war II and the French Revolution, the breakdown of the Berlin wall, Nietzches delirious speech about the death of God, Freud's dream interpretation, Salvador Dalí's surrealistic universe, Kierkegaard's existentialistically concept of irony, and concept of Anxiety, poetry by the Danish author Thorkild Bjørnvig, Mozart's opera Don Juan, and Pink Floyd's musical interpretation of reality, in 1989, I burned all the bridges behind me. I jumped into life with the red soft forms of insecurity - into life as a full-time painter. In the beginning, I painted everything with a wide paintbrush. Soft shapes. Without much detail, and to my surprise, the painting became my soul mirror, each time revealing my Anxiety. The basic form of these soft forms of Anxiety comes from a cartoon smiley that I developed up through the 80s for diligent use as graffiti and on all surfaces that could be drawn on. As I start painting, the smile suddenly turns into a scream, and if one were to sound my early pictures, Pink Floyd's "The big gig in the sky" would be very appropriate. 

When you click on the picture you wil be lead to my youtube channel, currently with 26 videos from different times showing and telling about my art.

Contact info

Henrik Saar, Anders Billes vej 1 st.-3, 7000 Fredericia, Denmark


phone number +45 27922560


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