Alchemic oil painting
The process of alchemic painting is a magic feeling
This technique demands a lot of patience, and each painting may take a month or more to complete. It's a lot of processes.
Building up a texture with white painting mixed with grated schalk.
The first layers i pure primary and secondary colors.
Second layers of colors: Complementary mixing in transparency.
Then I lost patience, and overpainted the picture with one layer of opaque paint. It felt like a defeat, however this painting, "The gift," won the Gold medal at the Medusa Aurera contest at the International Accademy of Arts in Rome - Best figurative painter 2018 - 2019.
I ended up creating another painting, "Angel Station," by using the same figure, and worked it as I would have done in the previous painting, "The Gift." Though the background is painted normally. This painting won the Gold Medal in the contest " Apollo Dionisaico" at the Accademy for Arts, Poetry and Signification in Rome 2020.
My palette
That's my permanent palette for all my paintings:
Used colors: Ultramarine + Alizarin crimson + Indian yellow
Each painting is made by mixing these colors additively in transparent layers, upon a textural ground of white painting mixed with grated chalk. Using soft brushes, and a scalpel.
Scroll show:
The Wizard - Oil on canvas 60 x 70 cm.
"ALIVE" - Oil on canvas 60 x 70 cm. 2021
"Grateful after all - OMG!" - Oil on canvas 60 x 70 cm. 2021
"Flight lessons" - Oil on canvas 60 x 70 cm. 2021
There is something about every thing - Oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm.
Miss U Oil on canvas 70 x 60 cm. 2017
Miss U2 - Oil on canvas 70 x 60 cm. 2017.
I love it - Oil on canvas 70 x 60 cm.
Circles - Oil on canvas 70 x 80 cm. 2015.
Learning to fly Acrylic and - Oil on canvas 120 x 85 cm. 2015. Not available.
Rose thorns - Acrylic and oil on canvas 120 x 85 cm. 2015 - Not available.
Times of ups and downs - Oil on canvas 75 x 121 cm. 2015.
Behind the curtains - Oil on canvas 75 x 121 cm. 2015.
I would love to hold you in my arms - Oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm. 2008.
I would love to show you my room - Oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm. 2009.
Running - Oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm. 2016. Not available.
Time out - Oil on canvas 80 x 65 cm. 2017.
A pottet plant - Oil on canvas 60 x 50 cm. 2006 - Not available
The red chair - Oil on canvas 60 x 50 cm. 2006 - Not available
Old Sonja at the Filadelfia epilepsy hospital - Oil on canvas 60 x 50 cm. 2006.
Room 14 at the Filadelfia epilepsy hospital - Oil on canvas 50 x 40 cm. 2006 - Not available.
In my room - Oil on plywood 31 x 25 cm. 2016.
Chat room - Oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm. 2008
My metier - Oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm. 2008.
Prisoners chorous Oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm. 2007 - Not available
Paso doble - Oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm. 2007.
Beyond multiculturalism - Oil on canvas 80 x 100 cm. 2008 - Not available.
Between two lights - Oil on canvas 2009 100 x 80 cm.
Blue ball, yellow light and red flag Oil on canvas 60 x 73 cm. 2011 - Not available.
The golden egg Oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm. 2007 - Not available.
On the fertilize clinic - Oil on canvas 80x100 cm. 2007.
Liliana shine Oil on canvas 73 x 60 cm. 2009 - Not available.
Mona Lisa Fatal Oil on canvas 73 x 60 cm. 2009.
Halabja - Oil on canvas 120 x 150 cm. 2008.
Getting older - Oil on canvas 65 x 81 cm. 2007 Not available
A pregnant woman - Oil on canvas 35x27 cm. Not available
The creation of man - Oil on shipboard 73 x 60 cm. 2006.
My guiding angel - Oil on plywood 100 x 100 cm. 2010.
Worries - Acrylic and oil on plywood 25 x 31 cm. 2017.